Ok so we've all more or less been there where we get an idea or inspiration from a picture or celebrity that we are in awe of. We go to the hairdressers and tell them that is exactly what you want. Your hairdresser tells you they can do it. As you patiently wait for your new hairstyle you start imagining what you are going to wear, how you're going to do your make up, what other people's reactions are going to be like etc. Then your hairdresser finishes the service and goes to grab that back mirror and you're disappointed. Why? Because you didn't have a very good consultation. A good consultation consists of not only looking at pictures but asking the right questions. Some tips I usually give to my clients are:
Think about why you really want that style or colour. Is it because it looks great on the said model or because you think it will look good on you.
Look at the picture and cover up the face then decide whether you actually like the style/colour. Pictures are MADE to look GOOD so they catch your attention. Plus they have like a thousand or so people working on that one image to make it look good.
Think about how you already style and maintain your hair now and ask your hairdresser how much maintenance is required for your new locks.
Pick 3 pictures you like and 3 pictures you don't like and show them to your hairdresser. I say this because I usually find what clients don't want are actually the things they do want from their hairstyle.
If you're the sort of person that ties your hair up and doesn't bother to style it then is this new style for you?
Think about how your hair is naturally. Is it curly or straight? This will determine how much you need to maintain your locks then ask yourself if a) you can be bothered and b) whether you have time and money to invest in the style you want.
Some looks require you to come into the salon on a weekly basis or following a programme. E.g. if you have hair extensions you may need to come in for a weekly blowdry to maintain them or if you have had a rainbow colour you may be advised to come in every 4-6 weeks to maintain the colour. Thinkn about this when thinking about your new locks.
If you're not sure about the colour ask for a strand test and not just one. Sometimes we get an idea in our head and that gives us a visual for how we might see our hair. It's important especially when have such a big change in colour you may want to ask for a strand test so that you can see the colour result before proceeding with your appointment. This will then give you a realistic idea of the end result.
Look at your head and face shape then look at the models head and face shape, is it the same or similar? We are taught that the perfect face shape is oval. This is because whatever hair cut that person has will be suited to them. I say you can still have the hair cut however your stylist will just need to be clever in how to do it. We can create face framing and layering techniques to suit your head and face shape but this is still something to take into consideration.
Let me know how your consultations go and I hope you found this a useful read.
The Secret Salon X
